
Museum of Art

A local budding young artist is currently featuring a masterpiece at the local Museum of Art!  Woohooo!  Go Cowboy T!  On Monday he handed me an invitation inviting him and the family to a reception to honor the artists whose work was chosen for the exhibit.  Unfortunately the invitation had been in his backpack several days and the reception was held the previous Friday.  That's ok though - because we still got a chance to go see it and it looked marvelous!  He was quite proud of his work.  And - on top of that - the museum was really cool!  We'd never been there before - but the kids were very impressed with the interior architecture and feel of the building.  We had a lot of fun and we're so proud of our artist Cowboy!

1 leave me a note!:

nancy.prince said...

Way to Go Travis! It looks good from the picture online!
Love,Grandma Prince
