
Cello Man!

Today my Buddy will be playing a piece by Bach in front of judges on his cello for solo and ensemble.  This kid blows me away.  

He started playing in January.  He sat in his room and figured out how to play it - and in two days was caught up to the other cellos that had started playing in August.  He practices all the time.  I have NEVER had to remind him to practice.  So he decided to play in solo and ensemble and his teacher gave him three pieces to choose from.  She gave him 3 choices and he chose the hardest one.  He said he thinks she was a little irritated by that - BUT - when she heard him play it last week flawlessly - she was a-ok with his choice.  What she doesn't know - is that he has the entire song memorized - which will get him an honors rating if it goes well.  I asked him why he didn't tell her and he just said he didn't want to make a big deal of it and stand out.  What a kid!  He's going to do great!  I'm so proud of him!  I absolutely LOVE listening to him play!!!!!

2 leave me a note!:

Kristy said...

I was pretty impressed with it last night. He has a natural gift, I can't get over how smoothly he played it. I can't wait to hear how it goes, text me or something if you think of it!!! Love you guys!

Kitkat said...

He got HONORS woohoo!! Good job Buddy!
