
Summer Wrap Up

The blog wouldn't be complete without mentioning our summer fun! The kids and I all worked a summer camp at my school together. It was a great experience for them. They did a great job and it was such a kick to have them there with me.
Another highlight was using the kid's free Six Flags tickets. It was so fun to go and have a mini-family day. We cruised through the park all day riding everything we could find. Then in the evening Bob and Cowboy T enjoyed the mini mine train and other assorted looney tune rides while Buddy, K-bugs and I tore up the big scary rides. It was such a blast! I love hanging out with my family!
Besides the summer camp volunteering, swim, piano, guitar, golf, violin, karate, baseball and softball lessons - we also went to San Antonio! Hooray! My sister and her family came down from Idaho and we all made the trek to see the Alamo and Shamu! It was so much fun! I love seeing my sisters whenever I can. This trip - you name it - we did it! The Imax, Alamo, Riverwalk, Children's Museum, Cheesecake Factory (oh my gosh amazing good!!!!), two days of Sea World, and more swimming too! We had such a blast together! We left on Bob's birthday and arrived home on K-bugs birthday! It was just a week-o-fun!!!!! I love summers!

1 leave me a note!:

Jenny said...

Ooooo, I miss six flags so darn much! And the mini-mine train is awesome, I agree with T.

Oh, and I keep hearing about this Cheesecake Factory being heaven on earth. I guess I'm going to have to break down and give it a whirl.
