
School Starts Tomorrow!

Hooray! I think I'm pretty close to ready . . . knock on wood! :o) It's so much nicer starting the school year with a clue! hahaha Our principal opened the building for us yesterday and I'm SO GLAD she did! I had no idea how behind I was. I worked up at the school all morning and then came home and worked the rest of the day at home until I felt prepared! Yea! Of course - there's always more to do - but I'm starting in good shape at least.
Bob and the kids got the lawn looking nice and the house sparkling - and all the laundry done too. They are a great crew! It's great to know we're starting out prepared. Hopefully it will give us a good kickoff to the week. It's Jr. High for K-bugs and a new school for the boys. They are all excited and confident. So cheers to tomorrow! :o)

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