
I feel like a waitress . . .

Have you ever seen a waiter or waitress with their tray when something heavy gets put on it - and there's just that really brief moment where the tray wavers - and they get that look of "whoa!" as they try and find their balance again? In that brief nano-second - everyone sucks in their breath and wonders will it fall or will it stay? The suspense - though brief and momentary - is intense.
I am the waitress. My life is the tray - and school has just been loaded up! I'm still holding my breath - but I have confidence that it will steady - and nothing will fall. My sweet husband knows how to grab that tray and give extra support till I can keep it steady on my own. Thank goodness he loves me. And my sweet patient children kick into the back-to-school mode and we all take off on this together!
Here's to summer vacations! :o)

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