
Texas Weather

Well - in true Texas fashion - the high tomorrow will be 80 and the next day we will hit 34.  Of course! 

Here's a little tip I learned and would like to share so you can avoid the same mistake.  A few weeks ago we had one of those mornings where everything had iced up overnight - and my car was parked outside.  Well - I was leaving the house in a hurry and realized I had quite a thick covering of ice across my windshield.  This is Texas - so I don't have an ice scraper.  That little doo-hickey seems very out of place in the car during the summer when it's 180 degrees.  So anyway - the next best thing is my library card.  This was carefully chosen over my work ID, bank card and gym card.  The kids can always provide backup library cards.  Anyway - I digress.  Quickly I surmised my library card was worthless (in the ice scraping sense - not the enjoyable reading sense).  So I did the next best quickest thing - that I KNOW I'm not supposed to do . . . bad for the window . . . yadda yadda yadda.  I got a jug of room temperature water from inside and took it back out to the car.  I'd turned the wipers on to scrape of the minuscule amount of ice fuzz that I'd managed to scratch off.  I thought I'd just stand off to the side - dump this water and be on my merry way.  (Mary way! hahahaha - sorry - couldn't resist), 

And here comes the tip:

Never pour water on the windshield when you're standing in direct line with moving wipers!  

I was soaked and freezing and laughing like a lunatic.  Some guy was walking down the sidewalk past me when I did it.  I think I frightened him a little.  It was so hilariously funny.  I looked liked I'd just run through the sprinkler in freezing temperatures.  But!!!!!  It did the trick - and I hoped in my car - and was on my merry way - laughing so hard I could barely contain myself.  Ahhhhh!  Another Mary moment brought to you from my crazy mind!  :o)

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