
Clearly I Need My Hearing Checked!!!!

A few days ago my wonderful teaching assistant was sitting with half our students at one cafeteria table and I was at the one directly across  from her with the rest of our students who have severe allergies at their table.  There has been a lot of strange illnesses swirling around our school (just for some background.) Between helping the children we were chatting and she said, "Last night I had Thai food."

My response???????

"WHAT!?!?!?!  You can't just have typhoid one night!!!!  How in the world did you get typhoid!?!?!?!"

When she repeated what she'd said - and I understood - we laughed our selves silly until we couldn't laugh anymore.  The whole school has now heard the story and laughed their heads off too.

Another Mary moment . . . brought to you by - Mary!  Nice.

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