School's out! I had teacher workday Friday and Saturday. It was a paperwork frenzy until the end. Teary goodbyes. And then a clearing of all types of cobwebs. I got so much done yesterday and actually feel pretty good about walking away. There are always things to do - but fun things that can be done at a relaxing pace now.
I don't know if it's a school year's worth of late nights, emotional exhaustion, failing to juggle all the things I try to, or what - but I can't stop sleeping now. I'm able to get up and make it to the few places I need to go - but the second I'm home I'm asleep. I'm not talking a quick power nap - yesterday I got home around 3:30 and promptly fell asleep until 8pm. How do you wake up from a nap at 8pm? The really sad thing? - I went to bed right after that for the night at 10pm - no problem. This has been going on for several days - so I figure I must need it. Bob and the kids have been so good about letting me rest. Hopefully I'll get it out of my system and return to the world of the awake.
We did just play a rousing game of Apples to Apples. Love that game! So at least I got a little fun in between waking up from my nap and bedtime which is coming quick!
HOORAY FOR SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o)
3 leave me a note!:
Rock a by Mary in the tree tops...
Take advantage of all that sleeping while you can! You are one busy lady!
I think teaching is one of the most mentally exhausting things in the world. I've been resting a lot too and I feel guilty because there is so much I need/should be doing. Ah well...It is nice to have a chance to just chill out a bit.
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