
Time for a New Mary Moment . . .

Bob was reading the news and ran across a bizarre article that he decided to tell me about.

Here was our exchange:

Bob: "Oh my heavens! This says an Argentinian model died from a butt implant!"

Me (across the room): "What?!?!?!?! A model died in a Funyun plant?!?!?!?!?" "How in the world do you die in a Funyun plant? Did she fall in a vat of batter? How awful to die in a Funyun plant!!!!"

It may be time for a hearing/brain check! ;o) Heh heh heh!


We LOVE our new home. It is beautiful and so quiet! The neighborhood is normal and small and gated. The town house is beautiful and easy to keep clean. It's big enough for all of us and it just feels so nice.

Yesterday the kids did their chores - the laundry was clean - and the house was all tidy. Bob and I looked at each other in amazement. There was nothing to fix - no house projects to work on - no never-ending list of broken things. LOVE IT!!!! We actually have time to do other things. We will save money too by not having to fix so much!

Anyway - we're happy! Everything just fell into place for us. It's nice to be free of the old house and all the heavy weight that came with it.

Yea! What an amazing answer to prayer! So many times we'd try to move and it just never ever fell into place. Finally we stopped trying to force it to happen. We knew when the Lord was ready and everything was right it would just happen and there would be no doubt it was time. And it did. It was one of those things that was so complicated and every single piece of the puzzle lined up all by itself that there was no way to deny that the Lord's hand was in every step. Sometimes our plan and our timing - for whatever reason - is not what is supposed to happen. Down the road maybe we'll be able to look back and see all the reasons why - but for now we are just so incredibly grateful to be where we are. It is such a comfort to Bob when he travels to know we are here and happy. It's truly one of those massive blessings we couldn't have even imagined 6 months ago.

It's Honey Doll!!!!

Look what I found! This is Honey Doll! I got her when I was 2. She knows all my deepest darkest secrets! ;o) hahaha! My sisters always tried to squeeze her head and torture her. I often found her bungee jumping from the ceiling fan, rappelling the kitchen cupboards, and ransom notes left in her place. She went to Germany and Jerusalem with me - just for a picture to prove she was there of course . . . !

Can you believe she's being sold for $185!?!?!?!? Not MY Honey Doll of course - she's a little more worn - a little more loved - and a whole lot more tired than this one. But it was really fun to see her like this. I always wondered why I named her Honey Doll . . . and now I know! :o)
